Monday 10 August 2009

Planning - 10 August

at 7.00 p.m.

Present: Dr Graham Fothergill (Chairman), Mr John Bantick, Mr Richard Haigh, Mr John Hunt, Mrs Rosemary Pateman, Ms Elisabeth Smith, Mr Robin Smith and the Clerk

Apologies: None

In Attendance: Mr Ian Gilmore, Mr Barry Hall, Mr Anthony Titmarsh
Eight members of the public

1. Presentation on Development Proposals for Odyssey Leisure

Mr Aucott, Director of Odyssey, stated that the club was over twenty five years old and the main building and car parks require refurbishment. A large part of the site is covered with buildings, tennis courts, bowling green, five a side pitches and car parks. The main entrance with a 15 degree slope is steep compared with modern requirements of 6 degrees. The club had employed a professional to produce a scheme for the future of the health club.

Mr Corbett, outlined the proposal for a wellness village, to include a new pool, gym facilities, and medical centre with physiotherapist, chiropodist etc, housing for the active elderly and a new access road from the B197.

The chairman thanked Mr Aucott and Mr Corbett for their presentation.

2. Declaration of Interests

Mr Haigh declared a pecuniary interest in 12 Pondcroft Road.

3. Minutes

It was proposed by Mr Bantick, seconded by Mr Smith and

RESOLVED “that the Minutes of the Meeting of the Planning and Environment Committee, held on 13 July 2009 be approved and signed.”


4. NHDC Additional Land Allocation Consultation

NHDC’s consultation for seven sites in Knebworth is placed on deposit until 14 September 2009. Six sites are for residential purposes and the seventh is for improved sports facilities and retirement homes. A successful open evening had been held with a further session on 5 September. A public meeting has been arranged for 9 September to discuss the seven sites, the secondary school and doctors’ surgery.

5. Proposed Double Yellow Lines Pondcroft Road and Park Lane

The consultation for the yellow lines in Pondcroft Road has met with significant objection to the proposed lines on the west side removing six parking spaces in front of people’s properties. There has also been a request to reduce the length of the lines around the
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corners. Herts Highways has been contacted and it is unlikely that the yellow lines, on the even side of the road, will remain in the scheme.

6. 09/00769/1 18 Deards End Lane, Knebworth

Single storey rear extension; single storey extension on south elevation following removal of existing sun lounge; front canopy porch; first floor extension on north side and over existing double garage

The proposed scheme has reduced the height of the extension so that it is subservient to the existing house. The Council had NO OBJECTIONS.

7. 09/01426/1HH 12 Pondcroft Road, Knebworth

Single storey rear extension


8. 09/01435/1HH Alandale, Gun Road, Knebworth

Single storey rear extension


9. Any Other Business

9.1 Wood, Park Lane
It was confirmed that the clear felling of the wood was beyond the remit of the licence and the Forestry Commission has instructed the contractor to replant the area.

9.2 Airport Anti Terrorism
There is a Government led police anti terrorism initiative which is currently taking place. The strategy involves police officers from the Luton Airport Police Unit examining numerous locations within a specified boundary to locate potential sites from which an attack could be possible on a passenger aircraft. They are conducting surveys within the local communities within Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire and will be required to survey/patrol onto expanses of farm land, fields etc. Mrs Pateman has already met two officers.

9.3 Fly tipping
Mrs Pateman reported that she believes fly tipping is occurring on the common off Stevenage Road. The clerk is to investigate.

9.4 Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held on 14 September 2009

Wednesday 22 July 2009

Recreation Grounds - 22 July

7.45 p.m.

Present: Mr John Hunt (Chairman), Mr John Bantick, Mrs Rosemary Pateman, Mrs Caroline Presland, Mrs Carol Smith, Mr Anthony Titmarsh and the Clerk

1. Declarations of Interest

Mr Hunt declared that he is president of the Tennis Club and Mrs Pateman declared that she is a member of the Tennis club.

2. Minutes

Proposed by Mrs Smith, seconded by Mr Bantick

RESOLVED “that the minutes of the meeting of the Recreation Grounds Committee Meeting held on 27 May 2009 are approved.”

Unanimously agreed.

3. Financial Review

Income at £851 for the quarter is in line with budget. Expenditure at £14,446 is 25% under budget due to lack of utility bills and no work on trees, fences and the pond. Two litter bins and a bench have been purchased and installed at a cost of £2,239.

4. Pavilion Maintenance

Two glazed units have been repaired. The floors are being repainted. The committee agreed to the recommendation to install a flow through water heater to supply the kitchen and two toilets. The large calorifiers would only be used for the changing rooms. Cussens & Sons are to undertake the work.

5. Youth Club

It was agreed that the Youth Club should be asked for a contribution towards the cost of the replacement glazing unit damaged by the group.

6. Provision of Drinking Fountain in the Recreation Ground

An external drinking fountain would cost into the region of £1300. The committee considered this too high especially since there is potable water available in the outside toilets. Signs are to be erected near the under 5’s play area.

7. Play Equipment

Mrs Pateman has given play equipment brochures to residents in Old Knebworth so that they can identify the type of equipment wanted by the 8-13 year olds. Some type of goal or target practise wall has been suggested.

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Proposed by Mrs Smith, seconded by Mrs Pateman and

RESOLVED that “a hot shot goal at a cost of £1355 would be purchased, if requested by Old Knebworth residents”.


It was also agreed that a replacement Lappet zig zag balance beam would be purchased for the Recreation Ground.

8. Benches

A quote for £2795 for four benches has been received from Playground Services. Knebworth Youth FC has been provided with the quote and asked if the club is willing to contribute, since it requested benches to be located near J1 and A2 football pitches. The clerk is to contact the club for a response.

9. Bowls & Tennis Club Lease

Mr Hunt left the room. Mr Bantick took the chair in the absence of the chairman.
Knebworth Bowls & Tennis Clubs have received the second draft of the lease. Knebworth Bowls has accepted the lease after further clarification. Knebworth Tennis Club has written with several comments. The committee discussed each point and agreed to extend the acknowledgement of the revised rent to thirty days rather than ten. It did not agree to changes of lease date, inclusion of table tennis or emphasising words within the lease.

Mr Hunt returned to the meeting.

10. HCC lease

There is no further information on the lease.

11. Any Other Business

11.1 Pavilion Usage by Youth Groups
It was confirmed that the youth groups had decided to close for the summer due to shortage of leaders during the holiday period.

11.2 Dog Fouling
Mrs Smith requested additional dog fouling signs in Lytton Fields, due to increased fouling in the area.

11.3 Land Allocations Options
Mr Bantick informed the committee that NHDC land Allocations document is on deposit until 14 September 2009. The council is to hold open sessions on August 6 and September 5, followed by a public meeting on 9 September, which can address the issues of green belt development and the proposal for the secondary school.

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11.4 Gravel, Groundsman Store
Youths are throwing the stones, around the groundsman’s store, onto the playing fields. The groundsman picks them up prior to mowing, however recently a stone was thrown up and nearly missed a baby in a pushchair. Previously road scalpings had been laid in this area which bind together. The surfacing is to be reviewed at the next meeting.

.7 Next Meeting Date
The next meeting will be held on 21 October 2009.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.07 p.m.

Monday 13 July 2009

Planning - 13 July

at 7.00 p.m.

Present: Dr Graham Fothergill (Chairman), Mr John Bantick, Mr John Hunt,
Mrs Rosemary Pateman, Ms Elisabeth Smith, Mr Robin Smith and the Clerk

Apologies: Mr Richard Haigh due to work commitments.

In Attendance: Mrs Carol Smith
Mrs Jane Gray (NHDC)
Two members of the public

1. Declaration of Interests

Mr Hunt declared that he is a social member of the Golf Club

2. Minutes

It was proposed by Dr Fothergill, seconded by Mr Smith and

RESOLVED “that the Minutes of the Meeting of the Planning and Environment Committee, held on 8 June 2009 be approved and signed.”

3. 09/01049/1HH Holly House, 8 Swangleys Lane, Knebworth

First floor gable roof front extension and gable roof to existing front projection. Alteration to design of existing roof from hipped to gable ended. Single and two storey side extension following demolition of existing side extension. Single and two storey rear extension, three pitched roof rear dormer windows. Pitched roof to existing front porch with timber support. Raise height of parapet to garage

There was come concern over the building at the front of the property.
For 4 Against 1 Abstention 1. NO OBJECTIONS

4. 09/00769/1 129 London Road, Knebworth

Single storey side extension to north west and south east elevations of existing kitchen and store. Extractor flue to rear of kitchen following removal of existing extractor flue


5. 09/01003/1HH 59 Park Lane, Knebworth

Single storey side and rear extension

The committee considered the proposed extension to be out of keeping with the arts and crafts house and therefore OBJECTS to the application.

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6. 09/01131/1HH 117 Orchard Way, Knebworth

Single storey rear extension. Front porch


7. 09/008822/1 Knebworth Golf Club, Deards End Lane, Knebworth

Replacement conservatory extension to clubhouse

A noise report had been undertaken which suggests that neighbours should not be affected. The committee had NO OBJECTIONS

8. 09/0023/1LB Knebworth Golf Club, Deards End Lane, Knebworth

Demolition of existing single storey rear extension and replacement conservatory extension to clubhouse


9. 09/01161/1HH 46 Stevenage Road, Knebworth

Erection of detached garage

The proposed garage is located at the front of the property well forward of the building line. The garage will be visible from the road and would set a precedent. The committee therefore OBJECTS.

10. 09/01170/1HH 24 Swangleys Lane, Knebworth

Two storey rear extension

The rear extension is in the middle of a row of terraced houses and consideration was given to the impact on the neighbouring properties. For 5 Abstention 1.

11. 09/1032/1 Pumping Station, Watton Road, Knebworth

UV Plant Kiosk


12. Any Other Business

12.1 Wood, Park Lane
Knebworth Estate has been managing its woodland on Park Lane, which has involved felling a significant number of trees. A resident has complained that the work has gone beyond its licence and is proposing legal action.

Mrs Pateman informed the committee that the proposed work could be found on the Forestry Commission website and that woodland management can appear dramatic but is part of maintenance.

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12.2 Gun Lane
Dr Fothergill complained that notices were erected to give warning that planned work was to be undertaken on Gun Lane. Again the signs were removed and no work done. The clerk is to write to Mr Jack requesting an update on the improvements.

12.3 Odyssey
The directors of Odyssey could not make the proposed dates, but have informed the clerk that they could make a meeting in the next two weeks. The clerk is to invite the directors to the next Planning or Parish Council meeting.

12.4 Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held on 10 August 2009

There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.00 pm.

Wednesday 8 July 2009

Parish Council - 8 July

MINUTES of the MEETING of the PARISH COUNCIL held on the
at 8.00 p.m.

Present: Mr John Bantick (Chairman), Dr Graham Fothergill, Mr Ian Gilmore, Mr Barry Hall, Mr John Hunt, Mrs Rosemary Pateman, Mrs Carol Smith, Ms Elisabeth Smith, Mr Robin Smith, Mr Anthony Titmarsh and the Clerk

Apologies: Mr Richard Haigh
Mrs Caroline Presland

In Attendance District Councillor Tom Brindley
Two members of the public

1. Public Participation

Mrs Pomerance asked for the Parish Council’s support in her campaign to get a secondary school in the village. The campaign started in May 2009 and with a group of 20 volunteers the group has an environmental analyst, webs site manager and treasurer on board. She felt that there is a huge problem for children finishing at Knebworth JMI, which is similar for children from surrounding villages with children being sent to Stevenage schools some distance away.
In the site appraisal Henry Cobbold has stated that eh will donate land for the benefit of village charities.. The school would be voluntary aided with a permanent endowment. To raise the fund will require 90 acres of land to provide funding for the school and Knebworth House. The school will use 30 acres, with a swimming pool and wood, and will be located behind Monread Nursing home. She is to meet Justin Donavan and Richard Thake from HCC to discuss the proposal and British Schools for the Future endorses… Two hundred houses will be built with medium to low density together with 10% affordable homes. If the state takes over the funding no houses will be required. Mrs Pomerance has spoken to Henry Cob bold and he has given a commitment for the land.
The 60 acres to be developed will generate £36M at £600,000 per acre. The school would reduce traffic through the village, with children cycling or walking to school. The current timescale is 5 years. The website is

2. HGV Traffic, Old Knebworth Lane

Councillor Brindley, chairman of JMP, informed the Council that a resident had complained about the HGC traffic using Old Knebworth Lane. The general consensus was that it is not suitable for HGV traffic. A TRO to restrict traffic to 7.5 tonne would cost £4000. NHDC is proposing to erect signs stating it is not suitable for HGV’s at a cost of £1000., without a TRO, to try to prevent large vehicles accidentally using the Lane
There is no height restriction in Old Knebworth Lane. It was suggested that cars drive too fast on the Lane and perhaps additional signage regarding the sharp bens might be useful. Cllr Brindley felt that the signs would be overgrown and not visible. The
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alternative route for traffic would be Park Lane which would result in a higher volume of traffic through the village. The cost would be borne by NHDC and the JMP.
There was a request for HCC to improve the sight lines, footpath s and pavements for pedestrians.
Cllr Brindley requested a letter from the Parish Council stating that it had no objection to the proposed signage.

3. Approval of Parish Council Minutes

It was proposed by Mr Titmarsh, seconded by Mrs Smith and

RESOLVED “that the Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council, held on 13 May 2009, be approved and signed.

Unanimously agreed.

4. The Council Noted the Minutes of the Committee Meetings

4.1 Minutes of the Meeting of the Recreation Grounds Committee held on 27 May 2009.

4.2 Minutes of the Meeting of the Village Hall Committee held on 10 June 2009

4.3 Minutes of the Meeting of the Finance and General Purposes Committee held on 10 June 2009

4.4 Minutes of the Meetings of the Planning and Environment Committee held on 8 June 2008

5. Inspection of Schedule of Deeds and Documents.

Mr Titmarsh reported that he had inspected the deeds and all were in order. The recreation ground has been registered and therefore 18 documents are for information only.

Proposed by Mr Smith, seconded by Mr Gilmore and

RESOLVED that “the Council should register the Village hall and King George Vth Playing Fields.”


6. Review of Council Regulations

Standing orders, Terms of Reference, Financial Regulations, Financial risk assessment, Internal Audit and Health and Safety play are to be reviewed by the next Parish Council meeting.

7. HCC Lease

HCC has revised the lease but Mr Piper has returned it for further revision.
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8. Registration of Land

The recreation ground has been registered however the right of access has been omitted and a footpath does not extend to the rear of the verge. The clerk has written to the Land Registry requesting amendment to the file. A response is awaited.

9. Council Stationery

Triographics had produced several version of letter heading and the Council agreed on one. The clerk is to request a slightly bolder version.

10. Village Website

The website is still being run by Mrs Weaver. The volunteer has not been able to take over yet. An interim person is to review the website with Mrs Weaver with a view to updating the information.

11. Youth Project

There was debate about the youth project giving something back to the community since it benefits from free use of the pavilion. The clerk is to contact the Youth Project to pose them with the challenge.

12. Council Bank Accounts

Telephone and online baking has been requested. Both forms of banking can now be restricted to transfers within Parish Council accounts only and not to third parties.

The Council agreed to open a ‘Knebworth Village Hall’ account to apply for a grassroots fund.

13 S106 Funding

S106 funding is being collected by NHDC but it is unclear how the funds are to be used. The topic was requested to be added to the Rural Summit agenda however it had not been included. Mr Bantick is to raise it at the summit.

14. Accounts for Payment

It was proposed by Mr Titmarsh and seconded by Mrs Smith and

RESOLVED “that the list of accounts paid during Accounts Period 2 2009/10 be approved.


Mr Titmarsh reported that he had agreed the monthly bank reconciliations to 31 May 2009.

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15. Any Other Urgent Business

15.1 Junior School Meeting
Mr Bantick is to attend a meeting to discuss allocation of secondary school places for children leaving Knebworth JMI..

15.2 Woolmer Green Parish Council
The chairman has been invited to celebrate the success of Woolmer Green PC in the business category of eh Village f the Year competition. He is unable to attend. Mr Hall is to go instead.

15.3 Woodland Management t Park Lane
Dr Fothergill apprised the council on the clearance being undertaken in the private wood next to Park Lane. Mrs Pateman stated that it is management t of ancient woodland; trees are cut down and coppiced.

15.4 Parking
Another parking meeting is to be held 22 July after completion of a business survey.

15.5 Picture, Knebworth Twinning Association
Mr Hall asked the council if a picture presented by Chatellion en plage could be hung in the committee room. The council gave its permission.

15.6 Next Meeting
The next meeting is to be held on Wednesday 8 October at 8.00 pm.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 10.00 p.m.

Wednesday 10 June 2009

Finance and General Purposes - 10 June

At 8.00 p.m.

Present: Mr Anthony Titmarsh (Chairman), Mr John Bantick, Dr Graham Fothergill, Mr Ian Gilmore, Mr Barry Hall, Mr Robin Smith and the Clerk

Apologies: Mr Haigh due to work commitments

Absent: Mr Hunt

1. Declaration of Interest

There were no declarations of interest.

2. Minutes

It was proposed by Dr Fothergill, seconded by Mr Gilmore and

RESOLVED “that the Minutes of the Meeting of the Finance and General Purposes Committee Council, held on 29 April 2009, are approved and signed.”

Unanimously agreed.

3. Financial Review

Half the precept had been received but no interest. Expenditure at £10,731 is 20% under budget, mainly due to no spending on contingency and additional wages costs.
The clerk reported that the Village Hall committee is considering replacing the cooker with a commercial unit for which there is no specific budget, grant funding is being sought but a virement might be necessary.

4. Report on Parish Damage

The Tennis Hut has been damaged.

5. Stationary

The sample letter headings were not available for consideration.

6. Road Signs

There was nothing to report on this item.

7. Milestone

Odyssey has cleared the area but has still to repair the fence. Until this is done this item cannot be progressed further.

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8. Village Website

Costings have been received to produce a combined website. The committee agreed that the priority is to find someone to update the current website.

9. Report on Funds on Deposit

Money is to be placed on a six month bond on 20 June at a rate of 1.2%. The deposit account is currently paying 0.1%.

10. Christmas Lights

It was agreed that no new decorations would be purchased this year.

11. Review of Regulations

The Council chairman is to allocate the review of documents to councillors at the next Parish Council meeting.

12. Review Internal Auditor’s Report

The committee considered the internal auditor’s report, which found the systems to be adequate. There was a recommendation to produce VAT returns using the Sage software, which is currently not correct. The clerk is to contact Sage.

13. Copier

Ricoh has started charging for replacement toners for the copier which were included in the copy contract. Mr Preece from HCC, is checking the terms of the contract.

14. Councillors Allowances

A revised questionnaire has been prepared and is to be circulated. The results are to be forwarded to Mr Parkin, NHDC, for consideration.

15. Notice board

The notice board has been repaired and a header ordered.

16. Partnership Funding

The Parish Council has had its first experience of Partnership Funding with HCC and NHDC, which has highlighted a number of issues. This is to be discussed at the Rural Summit in July, after which a document will be prepared for the Council to consider.

17. Lytton Fields Playspace

The committee agreed that it should pursue obtaining title for Lytton Fields play space. The clerk is to write to NHDC.

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18. Bin Inspections

NHDC has started bin inspections in the village to look at capacity and possible production of another recycling leaflet.

19. Any Other Business

19.1 Barclays Bank
Barclays has changed its procedures again and the clerk, although a signatory, cannot transfer money with council accounts via the telephone. The local business manager approved the transfer but did not process the request; as a result the Council’s bank account was overdrawn at the beginning of June. The Bank has admitted it is at fault and no charges will be incurred.

Telephone banking and internet banking is now available which only permits inter account transfers. The clerk is to obtain an application form.

19.2 Additional Land Options
NHDC consultation on additional land options is to be placed on deposit at the end of June. The Council will consider the best way to inform the parish once the document is issued.

19.3 Charles Arnold Baker
Dr Fothergill reported that Charles Arnold Baker, the founder of NALC, died this week.

19.4 Traffic Survey, London Road
Mr Hall informed the committee that a traffic survey was conducted on London Road, which has been on going for the past five years with information being reported to the Department of Transport.

19.5 HCC Elections
There was a 43% turnout for the County Council election in this area. Richard Thake was re-elected.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 09.55 pm.

Village Hall - 10 June

Wednesday 10 June 2009 in the COMMITTEE ROOM, KNEBWORTH
VILLAGE HALL at 7.10 p.m.

Present: Mr Barry Hall (Chairman), Mr John Bantick, Mr Ian Gilmore, Mr John Hunt, Mrs Caroline Presland, Ms Elisabeth Smith and the Clerk

Apologies: There were no apologies for absence

1. Declaration of Interests

There were no declarations of interest

2. Minutes

Proposed by Mr Bantick, seconded by Mr Gilmore and

RESOLVED “that the Minutes of the meeting of the Village Hall Committee, held on 29 April 2009, be approved and signed.”

Unanimously agreed.

3 Financial Review

Income at £5,395 is 4% over budget. Expenditure at £6,568 is 24% under budget.

4. Cooker

Smeg will not repair the cooker because it is in a non domestic environment. It has also been tardy supplying the spares. It is hoped that the ring will be repaired within the next week.

A replacement commercial gas cooker was considered with possible cost of £5,000 -£7,000 which would include the extraction unit and the necessary compliance with gas regulations. A commercial electric cooker would cost a similar sum with the installation of a three phase supply. Mr Thake has offered a grant towards replacement. The clerk is to obtain quotes.

5. Toilet Upgrade

Proposed by Mr Gilmore, seconded by Mr Hall and

RESOLVED that “the quotes to upgrade the gents toilets and replace the lobby carpet from P&J builders at £2758.85 Mr Wright at £664.65 and Roysia Flooring Ltd at £1970 be accepted.


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6. Central Heating

The heat from the system was insufficient during the winter months. Replacement of the radiators was discussed. Further work is to be undertaken and the existing radiators are to be cleaned.

It was agreed that the service agreement with Connaught would not be renewed, since its new policy for repairs could leave the hall without heating for over a week.

7. Any Other business

7.1 Knebworth Badminton Club
The club is struggling with numbers with only two people showing up some weeks. The result is the club is loosing money on its regular hire. It charges £2 per week in advance and £3 on the evening for members to play. A survey of charges for badminton courts showed that the hall charge is in line with other establishments. The committee considered the problem to be lack of people rather than the hire rate.

8.2 Projector
Mr Gilmore asked for a display of the projector, which was used at the planning meeting. It is to be brought to the next Parish Council meeting.

8.3 Clock
Mr Hunt asked if the clock could be re-hung. He has fully wound it and it is not working.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.05 pm

Monday 8 June 2009

Planning - 8 June

at 7.00 p.m.

Present: Dr Graham Fothergill (Chairman), Mr Richard Haigh, Mr John Hunt,
Mrs Rosemary Pateman, Ms Elisabeth Smith, Mr Robin Smith and the Clerk

Apologies: Mr John Bantick due to prior commitments.

In Attendance: Mrs Carol Smith
Mrs Jane Gray (NHDC)

1. Declaration of Interests

There were no declarations of interest.

2. Minutes

It was proposed by Dr Fothergill, seconded by Mr Smith and

RESOLVED “that the Minutes of the Meeting of the Planning and Environment Committee, held on 11 May 2009 be approved and signed.”

3. 09/00746/1HH Windrush, Slip Lane, Rabley Heath

Two storey rear extension following demolition of existing outbuilding. Rear conservatory and front porch


4. 09/00814/1HH 42 Gun Lane, Knebworth

Two storey side extension with dutch hipped roof to incorporate loft conversion. Single storey rear extension with lantern roof, and single storey front and side extension. Window to first floor side extension

The previous application was refused due to the hip roof and the large dormer. The line of the hip has been made shallower but it will still be unbalanced with its semi. A neighbour has commented on the parking problems as the owner has a large van which cannot fit onto the drive causing parking problems on the road. The application identifies two spaces on the drive plus a garage which complies with car parking standards.

The committee OBJECTS to the application because the hip roof will detrimentally affect the street scene.

5. 09/00371/1LB 190 Park Lane, Old Knebworth

Roof light to side roof and part infill of front doorway in single storey side/rear extension and insertion of window


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6. 09/00752/1 Park Lodge Cottage, Park Lane, Old Knebworth

Detached four bedroom dwelling with basement store following demolition of existing three bedroom chalet bungalow

The previous objections of height and form have been addressed. The footprint is 22% greater then the original, however it is in a large plot. The committee had NO OBJECTIONS

7. Local Development Framework

NHDC plans to have an additional site consultation from June to September 2009. Knebworth Estate and Wallace Estate have submitted a scheme which may form part of the consultation. The clerk is to obtain a web address for inclusion in the July issue of the Parish magazine.

8. Any Other Business

8.1 Laser pointer
Mr Haigh requested that a laser pointer be purchased to aid the use of the projector.

8.2 Old Knebworth Lane
Mrs Pateman reported that Herts Highways has been working in Old Knebworth Lane, and there is some improvement but the footpaths are still not cleared.

8.3 Pot Holes, Station Road
Mr Hunt complained about the pot holes in Station Road. The clerk is to inform Herts Highways.

8.4 Gun Lane Improvements
Dr Fothergill requested an update on the major road improvement previously planned for Gun Lane in June 2008. The clerk is to contact Herts Highways.

8.5 Hedges Hornbeam Spring
Dr Fothergill complained about the overgrown hedges blocking the footpath at 42 and $4 Hornbeam Spring. The clerk is to inform Herts Highways.

8.6 Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held on 13 July 2009

There being no other business the meeting closed at 7.35 pm.